Monday, December 2, 2013

#PitchWar Bio

 So I did it! I entered another contest to try and get some help with my manuscript. For those people who have no idea what pitchwar is... ignore this... you'll know who you are.

My bio:

I've been writing since I was a kid... yeah everyone says that don't they? I wrote my first novel at 8 on a Commodore 64 and printed it out on a line printer with the tearable sided paper. Yeah... I then, being an 8 year old, glued it to spiral bound notebook pages. It was a story about a wolf and a boy, on par with Call of the Wild (I liked wolves a lot)...

In middle and high school I loved creating characters. It was one of my favorite things to do (when I should have been doing math). I'd sit there and scribble up back stories for them, serious problems for them to overcome or hide (whichever fit their personality). I even took a number of creative writing classes because I loved stories, all kinds. When my creative writing teacher in high school told me some of my stories were too creative (yeah... explain that to me) I started toning it back a bit. I mean... stories from the Lochness monster's point of view weren't appreciated in my time. ;)

Enter college and I took numerous critiquing classes, writing classes and graduated with a general studies degree.

When my daughter was born in 2009, I decided it was time to stop writing short stories and put my time into delving into the past of one of my favorite characters that I had created. That's when I started writing Faiyth's story. Web of Lies (formally Journey to Magic) came out of me like it had a life of it's own. I knew the story already, I knew every nuance of her character. I knew she had a weakness for shopping (unrealized), I knew she longed for a family (which she'd never get) and that if she choose the wrong guy in her story (there's a love triangle) she'd end up becoming evil.

These are the kinds of things I love about writing. There are so many little nuances in a story. So many things that are never fully explained. All the characters have secrets, all have real life problems from being gay, to cheating on their wives, to having secret crushes.

One of the main things I'm hoping to get out of this experience is assistance with the story. I've had numerous beta readers and CP. I even have one who's asked to see any sequel I write. I in turn have read numerous stories. It's amazing how you can miss some of the simplest things in your own writing but you see it glaringly in others. That's what I need help. I am so close to my characters that I greatly need assistance knowing if they make sense, if their nuances are too much, etc.  I'm clay... mold me. ;)

You can


  1. Love the bio. For years I said I "played Dungeons and Dragons," but all I ever really did was create characters and fill out character sheets. So I can relate. ;-) Best of luck with Pitch Wars!

    1. Best of luck to you as well!

      And yeah, did much the same playing text based role playing games. With them you have to have a pretty good story and a complete character.

  2. Best wishes to you and WEB OF LIES in Pitchwars! Would love to connect via twitter @EGMoorewriter and follow each others blogs.

    1. Good luck to you as well! I'm following you now, consider yourself stalked. ;)
